Frequently asked questions

Is Residential Aged Care just for the wealthy? If I run out of money, will I get asked to leave?

The amount you can be asked to pay for your accommodation will be based on your income and assets. It can be paid as a Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD), if the accommodation price is paid in full, or a Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP). There are also accommodation contributions. Some people will have their accommodation costs met in full or in part by the Australian Government, while others will need to pay the accommodation price in agreement with the residential facility. The system, whilst complex is designed to make quality residential home care available to all, without prejudice .If you are low-means”, which simply means below an asset and income threshold, then you will not be required to pay the DAP. Your daily charges can be adjusted in line with any changes in your financial situation and you will not need to relocate.


Will I have to sell my home to enter Residential Aged Care?

In order to meet the full cost of the RAD (Refundable Accommodation Deposit), and avoid the payment of the DAP (Daily Accommodation Payment) many people choose to sell. For various reasons others choose to pay part of the lump sum and partially pay the DAP. Either choice has benefits and drawbacks and effect on other payments and also the potential effect on your estate. There is a choice, however it is strongly recommended to seek the professional advice of a Financial Planner who specialises in Aged Care Financial Planning and Estate Planning. Qualified financial advice can make a huge difference to how you elect to pay the costs of your care and how you and your family can best protect your hard earned income and assets.

What is ACAT?

The ACAT or Aged care Assessment team are funded by the government and are an aged care service which include qualified health care professionals, such as Doctors and Nurses. Their job is to conduct in home healthcare assessments which will determine your eligibility for Residential Aged Care and Home Care Packages. You cannot access these services without a comprehensive report from the ACAT team called the Aged Care Client Record (ACCR).

How long does the whole process take?

An ACAT assessment in Townsville will typically take just a few days from the time of assessment to receiving your eligibility for care notification, Income and asset assessments through the Centrelink are processed generally within a month sometimes longer following submission, although all financial and asset information will need to be accessible and available. Once you have viewed the facilities and decided on an option timeframes can vary depending on room availability.

Do I have to stay in the same facility I was sent to after I was discharged from hospital?

Often, people are sent to the first bed that becomes available in any care facility directly from hospital. This does not need to become a permanent arrangement and intended as a transitional arrangement which will allow you and your family time to research the best permanent option for you. You may feel happy and comfortable staying on, however you are not required to.

How do we know that Mum and/or Dad are being properly cared for when the family live interstate/ out of town?

The Australian Government assesses care quality and services quality within government funded facilities. Residential Aged care facilities need to meet compulsory accreditation standards and show continuous improvement in terms of the quality of care and services provided to residents within the facility.

The Australian Aged Care Quality Agency evaluates facilities for accreditation, and conducts spot checks to guarantee compliance. You can request accreditation from any aged care facility at any time.


My mission is to deliver informed, timely and trustworthy service coupled with care and advocacy for elderly clients.